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This is my first photographic project. I developed it during my course attended at the UC Berkeley Extension: Digital Photography in Practice and Context.


I worked on it with Petru Negura. While he was speaking with the homeless people on Telegraph avenue or People's park about their life, I tried to capture with my camera their face, body, gestures. 


This project explores the image of a category of socially marginalized people - the homeless. The pictures go beyond usual stereotypes with regard to these people, showing, from a closer glance, their human face. Sometimes, the photos capture in background some details or accessories of their daily life, making this way the image richer. The photos were taken in the places ordinarily attended by these people, most of them in the renowned "People's park" in Berkeley, or around it, in the streets. So, these pictures aim at representing the genuine world of the homeless people, with their own environment, belongings and stories. The subjects seldom pose in these photos. They either meditate, or tell their life story. 


This project will be continued with homeless people in Chisinau, Moldova (my home city). As one can see in these people's faces, they often feel excluded and marginalized. And they are so, be it in a poor or in a rich country.

We deny that we are all vulnerable (in front of the system) - we can remain alone, without any job, family, and home. Many people I photographed have had in the past a job, a family, a home, and the hope of a promising future.

This project does not emphasize the wonders and beauty of our world, but gives visibility to a "parallel reality," discovering marginal people's lives and stories, little explored, though we daily pass close by.



Aurelia Borzin

Blogul propune publicului două serii de fotografii cu persoane fără adăpost. Prima serie de fotografii a fost făcută în or. Berkeley (regiunea San Francisco, SUA) în ultima parte a anului 2014, iar cea de a doua a fost făcută în vara 2015, la Chişinău. Fiecare fotografie este însoţită de o scurtă notă biografică a subiectului fotografiat. Prin acest proiect de fotografie, Aurelia Borzin (autoarea fotografiilor) şi Petru Negură (sociolog, care intervieva subiecţii în timpul sesiunii foto) şi-au propus să exploreze vizibilitatea acestor persoane în două contexte socio-culturale diferite, cel moldovenesc şi cel american. Imaginile ne invită să pătrundem dincolo de stereotipurile pe care le împărtăşim de regulă faţă de aceste persoane. Ele încearcă astfel să redea acestor feţe umane firescul şi autenticitatea. Uneori, fotografiile captează în plan secund nişte detalii sau accesorii din viața de zi cu zi a subiecţilor fotografiaţi. Fotografiile au fost făcute în locurile frecventate în mod obișnuit de către aceste persoane: celebrul People’s Park sau Telegraph avenue din or. Berkeley sau în vecinătatea cantinelor sociale şi în spaţiile locuite temporar de aceşti oameni, la Chişinău. Aceste imagini caută să redescopere lumea reală a oamenilor fără adăpost, cu mediul, obiectele și poveștile lor.

The photo blog offers the public two series of images and photos of homeless persons. The first series of photos was taken in the city of Berkeley (San Francisco Bay Area, USA) in late 2014, and the second was made in the summer of 2015 in Chisinau (Moldova). Each photo is accompanied by a brief biographical note on the individual subject. Through this photographic project, Aurelia Borzin (the photos’ author) and Petru Negură (a sociologist by training, who interviewed the subjects during the photo sessions) sought to explore the visibility of homeless people in two different social and cultural settings, i.e., in the Moldovan and the American context.  The pictures invite us to go beyond the stereotypes that we usually share about these people. They try to re-discover the naturalness and authenticity of these human faces. Often, the photos capture in the background some details or accessories of their daily life. The photos were taken in the places ordinarily attended by these people, most of them in the renowned “People’s park”, on Telegraph avenue in Berkeley, or near the social canteens and in the customary spaces temporarily inhabited by the homeless in Chisinau. Thus, these pictures aim at representing the genuine world of the homeless people, including their own environment, belongings and stories.

Фотоблог предлагает публике две серии фотопортретов бездомных. Первая серия фотографий была сделана в городе Беркли (США) в конце 2014 года, а вторая серия была сделана летом 2015 года в Кишиневе. Каждая фотография сопровождается краткими биографическими деталями субъекта. Этим фотопроектом Аурелия Борзин (автор фотографий) и Петру Негурэ (социолог, он брал интервью у субъектов во время фотосессии) пытались исследовать видимость этих людей в двух различных социальных и культурных контекстах, молдавском и американском. Изображения приглашают нас выйти за пределы стереотипов, которые мы обычно приписываем этим людям. Они пытаются передать в этих человеческих лицах утерянную естественность и подлинность. Иногда фотографии захватывают на втором плане некоторые детали или аксессуары повседневной жизни субъекта. Снимки были сделаны в местах, посещаемых как правило этими людьми: в знаменитом Пиплз Парк и на Телеграф-авеню в гор. Беркли, или неподалеку от социальных столовых и в пространствах, населенных этими людьми в Кишиневе. Эти изображения стремятся передать реальный мир бездомных, их окружающую среду, их вещи и их истории.

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